Beey newsletter: Congratulations to all students on the completion of yet another school year

Beey has managed to learn a lot, too, and earned its own report card. Let us know how you would grade Beey and you could be in the running for a prize! Out of all your answers, we\’ll draw ten lucky winners who will receive anti-stress cubes from our 3D printer for exercising your mind (tested on humans).  

Our Beey will continue to learn new things over the summer holidays, because artificial intelligence doesn\’t need to take vacations 😊. But you enjoy yours!  

Have a wonderful, stress-free summer. 

Your Beey team   

What Beey learned in June  

  • Effective searching, including the option of turning off filters. 
  • Checks recording quality and warns you in the case of low audio quality. 
  • And many other improvements. 

Interesting news from our world  

The scribal profession through the ages: feather quills, artificial intelligence, and everything in between 

Scribes have always been highly respected members of society, but their job was never easy, least of all in the Middle Ages. One had to be extremely careful when writing with a quill and ink, without the existence of liquid paper, and don’t forget the high price of parchment! As time progressed, various inventions came along to help them. Do you know, for example, where the first shorthand alphabet was used, and that eventually nearly seventy such systems were created? You can read about how the phonograph worked, when efficient editing first became possible and many other interesting facts here

Videos with captions are becoming increasingly popular 

And we’re glad that this is the case, because captions are extremely important for some people. They can help you learn languages, they make content accessible for people with hearing disabilities, and others just appreciate the option of watching videos at work with the sound off. Perhaps that’s why as many as 80% of people watch FB videos with captions. If your videos don’t have captions, you’re robbing yourself of so many potential viewers. Luckily the solution is simple. With the help of our tutorial you can make your own captions – everyone can do it – or you can order the finished captions in various formats and based on your individual criteria (contact us). 

Gentlemen, be careful: Urologists have issued a high wind warning    

Beey can sometimes have a sense of humour. Transcription errors do happen because nobody, not even Beey, is perfect:  

She’d been battling diction for many years – (addiction) Speaking clearly is not always easy. 

That’s a rocky mistake – (rookie) Not everyone can make that kind of mistake. 

I think of myself as Freddy cool – (pretty cool) That’s a whole ‘nother kind of cool! 

On his lap sat them then request dummy – (ventriloquist) It\’s almost as if Beey’s putting words in the speaker’s mouth.  

Even artificial intelligence learns from its mistakes, or rather our programmers do. These kinds of slip-ups help us push ourselves to improve Beey\’s accuracy. 

What grade do you think that Beey deserves to have on its report card?

Let us know at: [email protected]

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