Beey also excels in Norwegian thanks to the EEA and Norway Grants

Are you curious about the development and addition of a new language to Beey? On 20 September NEWTON Technologies attended a meeting about our implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants. We introduced the NORDTRANS project, in which along with the Technical University of Liberec we are developing technology for automatic speech-to-text transcription for Norwegian (and eventually Swedish).

Potential use cases

Such high quality speech recognition device has many various uses, especially when implemented in our Beey app. The automatic speech-to-text transcription can be edited further to achieve 100% accuracy. The result can be automatically or manually separated by speakers, structured by topics and so on. Beey also maintains the time stamps connecting each word to the audio track, which allows the user to watch or control the playback by the caret position in the transcribed text. However, the main benefit shows in creating subtitles, which can be generated automatically in one click. There is also the Subtitle mode tool, which includes advanced subtitle revision, professional editing and subtitle previews both in the video and in the audio waveform visualization.

Other areas of speech-to-text transcription application include:
  • TV, radio and internet broadcast online monitoring
  • transcript and documentation of parliamentary meetings and other administrative offices
  • transcription of council meetings, lectures, conferences etc.
  • fulltext search in audio archives
  • improving SEO when publishing a video or podcast with a transcript
  • captioning videos for people with hearing disabilities
  • instant subtitling of foreign language videos using the Beey Translate automatic translation feature
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